Terms and conditions of purchase


Terms and conditions

This website, with the domain www.gamadizajn.com, owned by Gama Dizajn doo Strumica, with headquarters in Petralinci bb, municipality of Bosilovo, Strumica, is a service created for users in order to enable search, comparison and/or purchase of products and services.

As a visitor and user, we inform you that the use of the contents of the site, as well as the transactions made, are subject to certain terms and conditions, which we ask you to read carefully before using the site www.gamadizajn.com.

Gama Dizajn doo Petralinci bb assumes no responsibility if the user has not read the terms and conditions for use and purchase.


General conditions

By visiting or purchasing through our website, you must agree to the conditions listed below, the right to change depending on conditions and needs is reserved without prior notice to site users. Gama Dizajn doo  does not take responsibility if the user of the site has not read the publicly available information and conditions from this site.

If you do not agree with the General Terms and Conditions on this page, simply do not use it and go to our showrooms.

The name Gama Dizajn is a trademark of Gama Dizajn doo  and any kind of its use is prohibited without the prior written consent of the owner.

Gama Dizajn doo  reserves all rights arising from the trademark Gama Dizajn.

The entire content of this page, including the form, appearance, images, information, design and all available data, are the intellectual property of Gama Dizajn doo and are protected by copyright and related rights.

The download of information, data and images, their distribution, transfer or use of the link from this site is prohibited. The use of the same is possible only for non-commercial purposes and personal use beyond the permissibility of any misuse of the data and options offered by this site.

The information shared on this page is informative. We will always strive for the accuracy of the information, but deviations and omissions in the information are possible, depending on the source of the information.

For all products, we will do our best to have a photo available, as an illustration of the appearance and shape of the product.

Gama Dizajn doo  reserves the right to publish names, models and other information about the product in English, when:

– There is a risk of losing important information during translation

– There is no same or similar terminology in the Macedonian language

In order to satisfy your needs and requests, Gama Dizajn doo will strive for the availability of its website 24 hours a day.

In case of temporary unavailability, i.e. interruption of access to the website due to technical or external influences beyond the control of Gama Dizajn, we cannot assume any responsibility and guarantee you constant access.


Privacy Policy

With the Privacy Policy, we will clarify where and how the personal data of all registered buyers on our website is stored. This privacy policy applies only to www.gamadizajn.com and its subdomains. If there is a link that will connect you to other sites, we do not assume any responsibility regarding the protection of personal data provided by those Internet sites.

Each user, upon registration and purchase, declares that he is familiar with and agrees with our Privacy Policy.

If you register, all personal data that you enter through the registration form will be used for the purposes of product delivery, payment processing, as well as for advertising products and services provided by us, if you have selected this option, and are stored in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and are not transferred to third parties.

From the information we need during registration and/or when ordering, we single out:

–    Name and surname

– e-mail address

– Order delivery address and

–     phone for contact.

The data that we collect and keep with us will not be published, sold or delivered to a third party except to the competent authorities in a manner determined by the legal regulations of the Republic of Macedonia.

Gama Dizajn reserves the right to use IP addresses and other data of users to reveal their identity in case of law enforcement and legal procedures.

You can change, update or correct your inaccurate personal data and information at any time.

Gama Dizajn doo has adopted a security and data protection policy, which demonstrates our firm’s commitment to the protection of customer privacy.

With the exception of data of a financial nature, all information that we collect from the website is exclusively for our use (customer relationship, order tracking, etc.) and the same

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